Although at Asante we’re mostly focused on children in Kenya, it is important to us, that we stay open to other areas where our help is needed. Therefore from time to time we’re also trying to support kids in Hungary or in other countries.
Ábrahám Dominik was born in 2015. During his birth he became hypoxic which caused him to have bilateral cerebral palsy. Accordingly Dominik’s consciousness and movement is disabled.
His father had to leave his job to be able to take his child to therapy regularly. Currently Dominik attends a special kindergarten in Budapest at the Pető Institution, for which they need to travel 200 kms every day. With the help of the therapy he gets here, he has developed greatly. He speaks fluently, he’s capable of using his hands, and also able to stand and walk with help. The family has come a long way, they needed to provide great encouragement and mental support for Dominik so he could develop as much as possible.
Now his mother is working as a shop assistant, trying to earn the basics for the family while maintaining the circumstances for Dominik’s therapy. Asante has made a donation to the family, in order to be able to buy a new car, replacing their 20 year old Daewo Matiz, in which Dominik’s wheelchair couldn’t fit in anymore. With the help of the new car Dominik would be able to attend the kindergarten and continue his therapy. The family is also entitled to the financial support from the government for the new car, which is available for severely the disabled, but it can only be used for a car less than 5 years old. Unfortunately now this is only a dream for them, but we hope that with a little help it could come true and Dominik will be able to live without restraint one day.
Together we’ve succeeded!
It fills us with great joy and gratitude that Dominik’s parents managed to collect to money for a proper new car. We’re proud that Asante could be a part of this small miracle and we’d like to thank all our members and supporters for their help!